Primary School

(1st-4th grades)
Ages 6 to 9

In primary school, we offer a bilingual educational program with enhanced study of mathematics and English. The primary school educational program combines the study of subjects according to the standards of the New Ukrainian School and is supplemented by the study of subjects according to the standards of the Cambridge Primary School program. The bilingual program focuses on principles, patterns, systems, functions, and interrelationships, helping our students develop a comprehensive understanding of the world.

Our Day

A school day in primary school starts at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 7:00 p.m. During the day, children can enjoy delicious meals in our cafeteria. Every day, students have outdoor breaks, time for learning, individual and project work, teacher consultations, and self-study.

After the main activities, we offer club and studio sessions in various areas such as sports, arts, foreign languages, science and technology, dance, vocal training, and playing musical instruments. The schedule for club and section activities is from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.


Навчальний день в початковій школі починається о 8:00 і закінчується о 19:00.Протягом дня дитина може поласувати смачними стравами в нашій їдальні. Щоденно учні мають прогулянку на свіжому повітрі, час для індивідуальної і проєктної роботи та самопідготовки.
Після основних занять ми пропонуємо заняття в клубах та студіях за напрямками: спорт, мистецтво, вивчення іноземних мов, гра на музичних інструментах. Вони працюють з 14:00 до 20:00.


Morning class meeting

We start the day right!After a warm morning meeting with the teacher, we all gather together to share our emotions and impressions. We discuss the topic of the day and learn about the activities that await us today! The morning class meeting is a time for interactive interaction and a positive mood for the day!


Healthy and balanced nutrition

We have our own kitchen with modern equipment, so our chefs cook fresh and nutritious dishes daily, bake fragrant bread, cookies, and croissants, salads, and dishes from seasonal vegetables and fruits. Our specialized menu includes 4 meals a day (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner). Every day, students' meals include dishes made from beef, pork, chicken, or turkey. Twice a week, the menu includes dishes made from fish and sour milk cheese, and there are always dishes made from eggs and milk. If necessary, we organize dietary meals and take into account the individual dietary preferences of your child.


Learning new things

The educational process in primary school is built on the principle of thematic learning and the use of project technology.Throughout the school day, students have classes in Ukrainian language, reading, literacy, mathematics, English, French, German languages, computer science, painting, music, natural sciences, physical education. In addition to this, students study special courses in leadership, ethics, and financial literacy.Additionally, subjects such as mathematics (Math) and science (Science) are taught in English according to the Cambridge Primary program.


Outdoor activities

The time after lunch is a great opportunity for outdoor activities, active games with friends, or just relaxing alone.
We care about the health of children and organize walks, entertainments, and activities outdoors regardless of the season!


Clubs and studios

After the main day is over, your child can attend clubs and studios according to their preferences and interests.We offer individual and group classes in the following areas:● Sports (jiu-jitsu, soccer, rhythmic gymnastics, cheerleading);● Language (English, German, French, Chinese, Polish);● Arts (vocal, playing musical instruments, painting, dancing);● Science (programming, web design, STEM).Our experienced speech therapist and psychologist will provide qualified help and psychological support to you and your child if needed.

Primary School Educational Program

The primary school educational program combines the study of subjects according to the standards of the New Ukrainian School and is supplemented by the study of subjects according to the standards of the Cambridge Primary program.
In the process of implementing the educational program, we use various forms of organizing the educational process (lessons, laboratory-practical classes, workshops, electives, excursions, projects, independent homework, consultations, subject clubs, workshops, studios, olympiads, competitions, etc.), teaching methods (interactive, research, informational methods, holistic methods, etc.), technologies for solving inventive tasks, modeling, educational games, visualizations, dramatizations, observations, and so on.


Health, Safety, Well-being


We do everything to ensure our students feel safe and happy.
Our experienced team of teachers, psychologists, medical staff, and learning support consultants provides guidance and support necessary for our students to become confident, independent, and lifelong learners. The innovative psychological program "Wellbeen" helps students manage their emotions, encourages positive interactions, and offers numerous opportunities for communication, teaching them to overcome difficulties independently and believe in themselves!


Здоров'я, безпека, добробут


Ми робимо усе, щоб наші учні почувалися у безпеці та були щасливими.
Наша досвідчена команда вчителів, психологів, медичних працівників і консультантів із підтримки навчання забезпечує супровід та настанови, необхідні нашим учням, щоб стати впевненими, незалежними та навчатися протягом усього життя. Інноваційна психологічна програма "Wellbeen", яка допомагає учням керувати своїми емоціями, заохочує позитивну взаємодію та надає безліч можливостей для спілкування, вчить самостійно долати труднощі та вірити в себе!

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