
(Grades 5-9)10 to 15 years old

Unique aspects of learning in our middle school

We provide comprehensive education that encourages exploration and discovery, nurtures talents, and prepares students for specialised studies - international relations and business.

Your child will enjoy learning both in class and in small groups, receiving a roadmap tailored to their needs.

During their education, students will learn about the importance of teamwork and effective communication, becoming motivated, inquisitive children with a deep understanding of core subjects. Through the implementation of social projects and the study of global themes throughout middle school, our students will learn to understand themselves and find their place in the world.


Support and Development for Every Child

At UGS, we welcome each child by providing personalized attention and differentiated learning necessary for each child to achieve their best results. This includes support for students with additional educational needs. Working closely with parents, teachers, psychologists, consultants, and external experts, we ensure that every child realizes their potential, gains self-confidence, and develops a love for learning.


Підтримка та розвиток кожної дитини

Ми вітаємо кожного в UGS, забезпечуючи індивідуальний підхід та диференційоване навчання, необхідне кожній дитині для досягнення найкращих результатів. Це включає в себе надання підтримки учням з додатковими освітніми потребами. Тісно співпрацюючи з батьками, вчителями, психологами, консультантами та зовнішніми експертами, ми гарантуємо, що кожна дитина реалізує свій потенціал, набуде впевненості в собі та полюбить навчання.


School day

The school day in middle school begins at 8:00 AM and ends at 7:00 PM.Throughout the day, students have lessons following a bilingual program, four meals, time for walks, individual consultations with teachers, project activities, and self-study.After the main classes, we offer club and studio activities in areas such as sports, arts, foreign languages, vocals, and musical instrument playing. The schedule for additional educational clubs and sections runs from 2:00 PM to 8:00 PM.


Discovering the joy of learning

Thematic projects and hands-on classes "bring to life" all the subjects. Engaging successful professionals from various fields of science and art, and expert speakers, help to merge theory with real-life learning, opening a world of possibilities for our students.


Inventing the future

Hands-on classes in the science lab, creative challenges, and experiments with STEM technology, robotics, and 3D modeling create an environment for the development of critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and mark the students' first forays into science and invention.


Healthy habits

Delicious, fresh, and nutritious lunches provide our students with the necessary energy for spending time outdoors. Fun leisure activities, football or volleyball matches, and outdoor games encourage the habit of an active and healthy lifestyle.


Clubs, studios and other extracurricular activities

Our students' passions, interests, and talents are always our focus!3D modeling or creating your own business? Or maybe you're interested in having fun in a virtual reality lab?Our after-school clubs and studios offer a multitude of options to finish the school day doing what you love.Your child can become a stage star, showcase their vocal talents, or master playing a musical instrument.From 2:00 PM to 8:00 PM, our qualified instructors will help develop talent and fulfill your child's cherished dream.

In our middle school, we offer a bilingual educational program with instruction in Ukrainian and English languages (particularly for mathematics and science).

Our educational program is carefully designed to help students transition from primary school and provide them with the tools necessary for successful learning in middle school and to continue their education in high school.

The cycle of academic disciplines of the Ukrainian component of the program meets the requirements and standards of the New Ukrainian School. The cycle of academic disciplines of the English-speaking component is based on elements of the Cambridge educational program for Lower School, specifically: English, Math, Science, and Global Perspective.


У середній школі ми пропонуємо білінгвальну освітню програму з викладанням навчальних дисциплін українською та англійською мовами.
Наша освітня програма ретельно продумана, щоб допомогти нашим учням перейти з початкової школи та забезпечити їх інструментами, необхідними для успішного навчання у середній школі та продовжити навчання у старшій школі.
Цикл навчальних дисциплін українського компонента програми відповідає вимогам та стандартам Нової української школи. Цикл навчальних дисциплін англомовного компонента спирається на елементи Кембриджської міжнародної освітньої програми.
